Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Book of Exodus

Moses was born in Egypt. Some historians say he was found by the queen Hatshepsut. It is still disputed into what dynasty exactly does Moses' lifetime fall. His life was a life of a privileged noble until he saw the pharaoh's overseer beat a Hebrew slave. Moses killed him and had to flee and hide from the pharaoh's wrath. God called him to bring Hebrews (Israelites - the descendants of Jacob) out of slavery in Egypt and lead them to the Promised Land (God promised Abraham that he will give the land of Canaan to his sons and their sons). Book of Exodus in the Bible talks about Moses, his life and the Israelites in Egypt and later in the wilderness.
Here is a song about the Book of Exodus:
God send plaques on Egyptians because Pharaoh didn't want to let them go. The last plaque was the night when the Israelites finally left Egypt. God killed all firstborn in Egypt, but protected Israelites. Until this day, Jewish people celebrate this as "Passover". Jesus died on the Passover and now we're protected and saved by his blood. This video talks about the first Passover.

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