Thursday, August 21, 2014

Egyptian Gods

Egyptians worshiped a lot of gods. The link below is a great way to explore the different gods and their names and attributes. It is a website by a famous writer Rick Riordan, when you get older you may enjoy some of his books :)

Click here to explore:

click on the name of each god to read more

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

10 Commandments

As a part of His covenant (promise) with Israelites, God gave them 10 commandments they should have obeyed.
Here is a great way to memorize them:

The Book of Exodus

Moses was born in Egypt. Some historians say he was found by the queen Hatshepsut. It is still disputed into what dynasty exactly does Moses' lifetime fall. His life was a life of a privileged noble until he saw the pharaoh's overseer beat a Hebrew slave. Moses killed him and had to flee and hide from the pharaoh's wrath. God called him to bring Hebrews (Israelites - the descendants of Jacob) out of slavery in Egypt and lead them to the Promised Land (God promised Abraham that he will give the land of Canaan to his sons and their sons). Book of Exodus in the Bible talks about Moses, his life and the Israelites in Egypt and later in the wilderness.
Here is a song about the Book of Exodus:
God send plaques on Egyptians because Pharaoh didn't want to let them go. The last plaque was the night when the Israelites finally left Egypt. God killed all firstborn in Egypt, but protected Israelites. Until this day, Jewish people celebrate this as "Passover". Jesus died on the Passover and now we're protected and saved by his blood. This video talks about the first Passover.

Middle Kingdom, Hieroglyphics

The Egyptians were among the earliest people to use writing. They used pictures to write with, we call those hieroglyphs. Each picture stood for a certain word. Egyptians used to carve these into stone tablets but couple of hundred years later they learned how to make paper out of reeds (what's a "reed"? - look it up!). We called this special paper papyrus.

Hieroglyphics song:


Abraham is the father of our faith. He believed God and obeyed him.
Do you know what city he came out of?
It was the city of UR. Watch this video (it's Minecraft again, yay :) to get an idea what the ancient city looked like:

Phil Vischer's "What's in the Bible" sings about Abraham and God's covenant with Abraham:

And here is an explanation of the word "patriarch" - tell me in class for a prize!!

SUPER online game

Below is a link to a fantastic online game "Terrible Treasures".
Click on "The Awful Egyptians" to play. When you discover what the treasure is, come tell me (discretely - not in front of the whole class so you don't spoil it for everyone) and if you remember (you may write them down) 5 interesting facts you learned about ancient Egypt I'll give you a prize!

The Old Kingdom in Egypt

The age of pyramids!!
Pyramids were huge tombs for the pharaohs, built by many many slaves. One pyramid took over 20 years to build! No wonder pharaohs started building their own pyramid as soon as they became rulers, they wanted their tomb to be finished before they died.

Pyramids still stand in Egypt today. They were discovered by archaeologists about a hundred years ago, this video shows you a real "tomb raider"

Horrible Histories website has couple of ancient Egyptian games, clink on the link below and select two games called "Mummy Madness" and "Tomb of Terror" to play!

Pharaohs of Egypt and daily life in ancient Egypt

Hello students,
Pharaohs were rulers of the ancient Egypt. They were thought to be gods and worshiped as such, but they themselves had to submit to religious rituals like this pharaoh:

Here is a report on a very famous pharaoh, Tut. We'll learn about him more in the future:

Life in Egypt wasn't easy for common people, many times they were very poor and had to work hard to be able to feed themselves and their family:

And here is a fun video on what Egyptians used for keeping up with the beauty standards of the day:

Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by Pharaoh Menes

The Nile is 4,000 miles long! There was a lot of land along the Nile on which to settle. The early people who settled along the Nile seem to settle in two main regions. One region was at the mouth of the Nile, where the Nile enters the Mediterranean Sea. The other main region was to the south, at the base of the mountains. 

Each of these regions had a king. It was easy to tell the kings apart by the color of their crown (which was more like a hat.) The king who ruled the people who lived in the north, at the mouth of the Nile, wore a Red Crown. Their land was called Lower Egypt. The king who ruled the people who lived in the south, at the base of the mountains, wrote a White Crown. Their land was called Upper Egypt.

These two regions were always fighting. They spoke the same language. They worshiped the same gods. They had the same culture. But, for some reason, they could not get along. 
About 5,000 years ago, King Menes ruled Upper Egypt, at the base of the mountains. He conquered Lower Egypt. These two regions were combined into one country.  But it didn't help. The people kept fighting amongst themselves. To help his people think of themselves as one people, the king had a special crown made, a double crown. It was not white. It was not red. It was a mix of white and red. And it did the trick. The people started calling their combined land the "The Two Lands".  Over time, "The Two Lands" became known as Egypt. 

The Flood

Hello students,
I'm sure you know the story of the flood well. God decides to flood the whole earth as humans are continuously wicked, He chooses one righteous man named Noah too build an incredible and huge ship called ark to save him, his family and all species of animals of the earth.
Watch the video below to see how vast the ark was!! The details are not all correct but it's an excellent video to give you an idea of how big the ark was.
The video is created in Minecraft and I'm sure some of you are big fans of Minecraft!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Here is our first video about God's creation.
Click on the link below, learn and enjoy! We'll also learn a fun song together in class to memorize all seven days of creation.


Dear students and parents,
welcome to my Old Testament and Ancient Egypt blog.
Together we'll explore ancient worlds and learn a lot about Israelites, the chosen nation.
I will upload videos, links to games and extra reading to the topic we will study.
Check here often for new posts and see if you can earn extra credit :)
I'm very excited to explore ancient history with you this year!
                                                                                                     Mrs. Michlik